CDR Changes for 4.45
The following changes have been made in ebs Central for 4.45 to support the changes to the CDR Return for 2024-25:
Reference Data
CDR Verifier reference data has been added for the following domains:
Curriculum Model (CURR_MODEL)
Dependants (DEP_NO_CARE)
Gender Identity (GENDER_IDENTITY)
Data Entry Screens
The following fields have been added to the Course Occurrence Details (CDR tab) page:
Total Qualification Time (TOTAL_QUAL_TIME)
Curriculum Model (CURR_MODEL). Drop down from CDR Verifiers (domain CURR_MODEL)
ETI AOS Code (ETI_AOS_CODE). UIO Search control
Board Code (BOARD_CODE)
Board Name (BOARD_NAME)
CDP KPI (CDP_KPI). Multi-select control from CDR Verifiers (domain CDP_KPI)
Within the Course Occurrence Details page, when an RRQ is selected in Qualification Number field then;
The total Qualification Time will be populated and displayed as an editable field.
The RRQ Qualification description is stored and displayed as a read-only field.
The related Board Code is stored and displayed as a read-only field.
The related Board Name is stored and displayed as a read-only field.
Within the Course Occurrence Details page, when anything other than an RRQ is selected in Qualification Number field then;
The Total Qualification Time will be cleared and displayed as a read only field.
The Title/Description is stored and displayed as a read-only field.
Board Code and Board Name will be cleared.
The following fields have been changed in the Course Occurrence Details (CDR tab) page:
An existing field, HLA Pathway, will now be visible with a drop down from CDR Verifiers (domain HLA_PATHWAY)
The following new fields have been added to the Learner Details page to allow completion of details required for the CDR:
Gender Identity (GENDER_IDENTITY). Drop down from CDR Verifiers (domain GENDER_IDENTITY)
GCSE ICT Grade (GCSE_ICT_GRADE). Drop down from CDR Verifiers (domain GCSE_GRADE)
Essential Skills ICT Level (ESKILLS_ICT). Drop down from CDR Verifiers (domain ES_LEVEL)
The following fields have been changed in the Learner Details page:
The Has Dependents (DEPENDENTS) field has been increased to 2 characters and is populated with a drop down from CDR Verifiers (domain DEP_NO_CARE)
The VPRS (Resettlement Scheme) field is populated with a drop down from CDR Verifiers (domain RESETTLEMENT_SCHEME)
Essential Skills Literacy Grade has been renamed to Essential Skills Literacy Level.
Essential Skills Numeracy Grade has been renamed to Essential Skills Numeracy Level.
The following new fields have been added to the Enrolment Details page:
Expected End Date (EXP_END_DATE)
Work Placement Complete (WP_COMPLETE)
The following field has been changed in the Enrolment Details page:
HLA Pathway is populated with a drop down from CDR Verifiers (domain HLA_PATHWAY)
REST Services
Please refer to REST services Changes for 4.45.htm
New CDR curriculum elements have been added to the Curriculum cloning process.
New CDR curriculum elements have been added to the Curriculum roll forward process.
New CDR learner elements have been added to the Learner de-duplication process.
CDR Output
The CDR output has been updated to reflect the new and updated fields in the return.
CDR processing enhancements have been made to speed up creation of the output file.
The validation rules have been updated to match the CDR 2024-25 return specification.